Sunday, December 23, 2012

National Philharmonic: Handel's Messiah

Music Center at Strathmore was as nice as before since I visited it years ago. I was happy to see my world traveler friend there to enjoy conversation and .a holiday concert

Saturday, December 22, 2012

My Single Female World Traveling Life Style

My solo-travel world adventures began in Fall 2011, when I took a three-month leave from work and travelling Argentina/Chile/ Colombia/Ecuador/Peru to experience Latin American life style.

I recently got back to Washington DC on 11/20/2012 from my 2.5 month trip to Taiwan/China/Vietnam/Cambodia/Thailand/Nepal/India during September to November 2012. My trip highlights include (1) hiking for 7 days in Annapurna Sanctuary, Nepal, (2) visiting the Halong Bay near Hanoi and a virgin cave in central Vietnam; (3) experiencing cultural shocks in Delhi, India; (4) being victimized by a gem scam in Bangkok, Thailand, and (5) attending 23-yr college classmate reunion in Taipei, Taiwan. Here is my updated blog for your casual reading.

I continue learning the art of solo travel such as doing things safely as a single female, finding travel pals in vehicles and terminals, making local friends on the go, etc. I invest in real estate and work part-time 9 month each year to fund my trips. I used local transportation and hostels instead of taking tours, I found pals to negotiate as a group for discounts, etc., so to contain my budget to less than $1,000 USD a month including all expenses. Other people deploy strategies such as working via the internet or remotely, finding jobs abroad, etc., to realize their own overseas life style. Stop giving yourselves excuses like it is too scary, too expensive, I don’t speak the language, etc. If you reallywant to do it, you will find a way to do it. For example, after staying in South America for three months, I still speak about 20 words of Spanish. Simply google online you will find many wandering soles like me living the way we want.

Enjoy a prosperous 2013. See you around the world soon.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

NSO POPS: New York Voices Concert at Kennedy Center

I enjoyed the Grammy-winning vocal ensemble New York Voices, a Santa Claus, and the charming conductor  Randall Craig Fleischer. The conductor engaged the audience to clap their ahnds and sing along some Christmas songs.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

The most entertaining hike I took

I hiked these trails (White Oak/Hawksbill Summit/Cedar Run) many times as different combinations with the same tails or in conjunction with other trails. The 12-m Early Morning Day Hike contained some things unique: one hiker did a wall backflip upon a shelter along the AT near the Hawksbill Summit (the hignest point of SNP), and two hikers dived into 40 F water.


Sunday, December 02, 2012

Little Devils Stairs and Mt Marshall - 22 miles

I took a few long hikes in 2011-2012. Most of the time hikers are too busy to take photos, including this time. It was not easy to take a long hike after traveling in Asia for 2.5 duing which only hiked once.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hike with 007

Right after I got back from Asia, I felt a need to stretch my legs since I only hiked once in Nepal in the 2.5 months. I took the 8.5m Strenuous  hike at the George Washington National Forest covering Duncan Knob with A Rock Scramble On Massanutten Mountain.  I did not like the rock scrambles, because a lot of them were loner than me.  You can see me at the right cornor of the photo.

I run into my hiking pal again who works at the UK Embassy in DC, and joked about his job and my coming office party with a James Bond theme. I will figure out how to dress and act in the party. It was a fun and fast hike. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day trip to new York city

It was aggressive to take an overnight bus from dc to start a 15-hr visit of NYC. The bus was 1 hr early and arrived near penn station at 3:30 am. Me and my companion were very sleepy so we stopped by a hotel lobby to wait for the daylight to start our visit.

Time square looked refreshing in the early morning. We bumped into fox 5 morning news shooting and enjoyed free yogurt after acting in the background. I had a photo taken with a weather anchor.

We ran across a charity run in the central park on our way to the metropolitan museum. There are always so much to see in the museum

The afternoon highlight was the free ferry to Stetson island to see the statute of liberty. We walked to the running bull near the wall street for good financial fortune (which i need more in this economy). The weather was very cool and pleasant for the whole day. It was a pity that we missed Chinatown this time due to the express train skipped the stop.

I met my friend near time square and chatted for 1.5 hrs, then I saw the end of gay pride parade, walked via the street festival along the avenue of Americas, and enjoyed a concert in the Bryant park before I jumped on the 8:30 pm bus back to dc. What a day!

Monday, January 02, 2012

Post Holiday Hike

At the George Washington National Forest to the Kennedy Peak which was 10-mile hike with 2600 ft elevation gain. It was so cold on the ridge that I felt my fingers were going to freeze and fall off!!! I did this hike at least 5 times but 1st time in winter.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Last minute notice to be a usher for the play BUST

On 12/31 at the Studio theater. It was a comedy about a female prison volunteer's experience with inmates intertwined with her acting career and her lie to be raped. You can read the following review at Washington post.

This was the best one-person play I had, and I enjoyed ushering at the elevator to advise people where they can go and collect ticket stubs. Of course, I got to see the play for free.