I was pretty stressed out by one patent application at work on Monday, so I decided to escape at the last minute and signed up this hike.I was luck to pick this 64F sunny day to hike. Most of the Tuesday hikers are retirees who enjoy a healthy life style.

Doubletop - Camp Hoover - Big Meadows (PACT Map 10), the Doubletop Mtn. trail over Doubletop was steep and down the 4WD Trail to the Rapidan Fire Road. Going through Camp Hoover for lunch.
returned to the cars using Dark Hollow Falls Trail, Rose River Fire
Rd., Stony Mtn. Trail, Rapidan Fire Road, and Upper Dark Hollow Trail.
(17.1 mi, 3560 ft gain)

Doubletop - Camp Hoover - Big Meadows (PACT Map 10), the Doubletop Mtn. trail over Doubletop was steep and down the 4WD Trail to the Rapidan Fire Road. Going through Camp Hoover for lunch.