Tuesday, April 30, 2019

IPI's 2019 World Intellectual Property Day + two Congressional tech receptions

I went in DC for IPI's 2019 World Intellectual Property Day Celebration @ National Press Club, Medical Imaging Technology Showcase (mostly hospital and medical doctor research projects), and 25th Annual Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF) Exhibition and Reception (mostly college grad students research programs) on the Capital Hill.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

house managing Annie at the CenterStage

I signed up to volunteer as the house manager for Annie at the CenterStage in Reston by mistake, but tough it out tonight anyway and survived. All went ok except two complaints for patrons cellphone usage during the play that I had to channel to an experienced manager. The play was pretty good that I stayed awake from 8-10:30 pm after my long hike during the day.

Pine Hill – Broad Hollow Loop Hike

Spring is the best season to hike in Virginia. I enjoyed hiking 14.4-m with 4210 ft elevation gain along Pine Hill – Broad Hollow Loop with a meetup group today in the Shenandoah National Park.

Friday, April 26, 2019

open house of a local catering restaurant

I attended an open house of a local catering restaurant at the Fairfax Hunt Club in Reston during lunch break, right before the rain kicked in.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

TALC-DC's First Potluck Dinner

I went into DC for World Intellectual Property Day 2019: Reach for Gold: Copyright and Sports @ the Library of Congress, Broadnet Congressional Reception, and TALC-DC's First Potluck Dinner. Taiwanese American Lawyers Committee (TALC-DC) started with a kick-off meeting last October and is building momentum to establish a community for this demographic in the DMV area. You can search and join the Linkedin and Facebook groups of Taiwanese American Lawyers Committee.

Monday, April 22, 2019

12-m hike to Big Schloss

I enjoyed hiking in the GWNF for 12.5 miles long with an elevation gain of 2,484 ft on a sunny yet cool spring day. The rocky Big Schloss peak provides a beautiful view of the surrounding valley. Thanks to hiker leader Karen sharing delicious homemade cookies and fellow hiker Tam generously treating me a hot cocoa.