Sunday, June 28, 2020

1st post-covid BBQ party

I enjoyed my 1st post-covid BBQ party last night with three friends in Alexandria, and did 7 miles run this morning to make up for yesterday’s short hike before the weather gets too hot.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

13- m hike Dickey Ridge - Fox Hollow to Snead Farm Road

I enjoyed a 13 m 2300 feet elevation gain hike in SNP with a group from the crowded Dickey Ridge trailhead - Fox Hollow to Snead Farm Road. Many cyclists started from the same spot too. We stayed cool under shades around 80f most of the time and had a relaxing lunch break at the visitor center. I only noticed a wasp stung on my finger when I got home.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Run 13.1 miles (half marathon)

I skipped the hike Cedar Run-Hawksbill-WOC since the weather forecast rain, and it did rain again around noon. Anyway, I ran 13.1 miles (half marathon) this morning, and saw a rabbit, a blue bird, a group of bikers, a few runners, and wild flowers.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

big schloss

Another wonderful friends hike in George Washington National Forest for 13 miles with 2400 feet elevation gain from the little Stoney creek trail to mill mountain trail to the big schloss cutoff trail then back down. Lots lots of mountain laurel!

Sunday, June 07, 2020

22.78 mile on W&OD trail

I rode 22.78 mile on W&OD trail from Reston to Ashburn our and back this morning to make up for Saturday’s short hike. I was planning to get up and go by 7 am but slept in with a late start because the noise new neighbor talking loud in her back yard 4-5 am and complaining how white females like her were “mistreated.” Good grief!

Saturday, June 06, 2020

Panorama to Marys Rock

I enjoyed a Saturday friends hike along AT from Panorama Parking Lot to Marys Rock to Pinnacles Camp ground and back (out and back) for a total of 11.3 miles and 2525 ft elevation gain. We had a mini farewell party for Shelly and her dog Sierra that are moving to NM next week. They will be deeply missed. The mountain azalea and mountain laurel are blooming everywhere.