Saturday, September 26, 2020

Panorama Parking to Elkwallow 18-mile hike 2nd time

 I did this 18.4 miles 3350-feet elevation hike from Panorama Parking to Elkwallow Wayside and Back just two weeks ago, but the weather was dry, cool, and prefect for hiking today. Most hikers got the famous blackberry ice cream at Wayside store, which was too cold to eat for me. However, I and a few other hikers organized an after-hike birthday party with cake, snacks, and drinks. Another enjoyable day with hikers!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

14-mile Pine Hill – Broad Hollow Loop hike

 A perfect sunny cool Saturday day to do this 14.3 mile 4000 feet elevation gain hike Pine Hill – Broad Hollow Loop. We made a good time, although I over-dressed with thick pants for the 45f morning. I ran into Reston Food Truck Rally @ Reston South Park & Ride lot and enjoyed grill pork with rice noodles before head home. Happily contented! A quick 5.7 miles run on Sunday afternoon in Reston to meet my weekend 20m hike/run quota.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

18-mile Panorama snd Elkwallow Hike 1st time

 The weather forecast becomes very unreliable now. I was hoping to hike in the drizzle only in the morning, and we turned out hiked in the rain most of the time for 18.3 miles with 3560 feet elevation gain on Appalachian Trail between Panorama Parking snd Elkwallow Wayside out and Back. It was so wet that I only took a short lunch break and 4 photos. I was planning to eat blueberry ice cream at Elkwallow but was too cold to carry out the plan. Oh, well, next time.

Sunday, September 06, 2020

back yard party


On Sunday, I enjoyed good food, conversations in back yard of a family friend’s house, and played with their parrots. The big white Australian parrot is only 2-yr old, strong, but screams like being slaughtered. The small gray African parrot can sing, speak Chinese, make other animal sounds, and noise like smoke detector out-of-battery. In addition, I tried the pomegranate beer for the 1st time.

Next/Labor Day morning, I ran 8.4 miles to meet my 20 run/hike mile last weekend target, plus 3 m extra for coming week. Another great outdoors day!

Saturday, September 05, 2020

Manassas Gap - Whiskey Hollow AT hike

 Hiked 14.6 miles with 2900 feet elevation gain today with a group on Appalachian Trail between Manassas Gap and Whiskey Hollow Outland back. No great views but sunny and cool weather and a birthday party at the end of the hike for the hike leader.