Saturday, June 08, 2024

Rocky Sherman Gap huke


I hiked on Saturday with a group of friends out and back from Buzzard rock trailhead to Sherman Gap it's about about 13.3 miles with about 3100 feet of elevation gain in the George Washington Nation forest. It was cool in the morning then turned hot in the afternoon, and the trails were rocky. I will avoid hiking Sherman Gap in the future because I don’t want to walk so carefully on the ridges all the time in afraid of falling off the trails.
It was nice to share cool drinks and snacks after hike in the parking lot. I was panicking when pulling out a tick from my body when got home. Even it’s short stay shouldn’t cause Lyme disease, I will monitor the bit areas for two weeks.
The good news was I fixed my rice cooker power cord with heat shrink solder butt connectors after dinner at home, so my rice cooker is up and running again.
I ran 6.7 miles Sunday morning to complete my 20 hike/run miles weekend goal.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Jeremys Run hike full of ticks!


Six hikers took Jeremys Run hike with 15 stream crossings, 18.6 miles and 3200 feet elevation gain. We saw some wild birds and the peak of mountain laurels.
The uphills at the 2nd half of the hike were draining and full of ticks, and some of us were disappointed that the park store still couldn’t sell their favorite blackberry ice cream. Nevertheless, we had cold drinks after the hike, and the went to our favorite winery to chill out. Enjoy the last few cool days before the hot summer!
There were many ticks found on hikers’ bodies, so I decided to check my body for ticks and shower, and rolling the 1.4 miles to my Monday run.