Saturday, January 18, 2025

Snow hike


After a snow storm, I finally hiked today from Mount Marshall Road, then turn left to the Bluff Trail in 5-6 inches of snow for 13 miles with 2200 feet elevation gain. It was very tiring to wear micro spikes walking in snow. The winter boots are lb heavier, the micro spikes add 0.75 lb, plus snow caught on the spikes (~ 2lb extra on my feet for each step). Most of us were tired and skipped Big Devil.
Some of us stopped by the winery after hike. I bought a lot groceries for the snow coming on Sunday and a subsequent very cold week.
I lived in Boston for 6 years but acclimated myself to Washington DC. We haven't had much snow for a few years, so I am used to warm weather and non-snow hikes. Comparing with West coast, we have almost no natural catastrophe (much safer and better for my peace of mind).

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

New year hike


On this new year day, I simply forgot how rocky Buzzard rock trail to Sherman Gap was, thus unintentionally hiked with some friends today for 12.8 miles with about 2,800 feet elevation gain in 20 miles per hour wind!!! I felt that the gusts could blow me off the ridges several times!!!
I am listing this hike in my not to hike list. I hate rocks.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Too Good To Good surplus/leftover food marketplace


I skipped Saturday rainy and slippery hike, and ran 6 miles on Saturday and 6 miles on Sunday, plus the surplus miles from last Tuesday 18-miles hike to meet my 20 hike/run miles weekend goal.
I did my 2nd purchase via Too Good To Good. Too Good To Go app is the world's largest surplus/leftover food marketplace, and covers Europe and North America. KSB Cafe of New York (Bobby's Bagel Cafe) - Herndon gave me a dozen fresh bagels ($18), one peach cream cheese ($5) and one Christmas tree cookie for my $6 purchase.
This was a much better deal than the whole food surprise meal bag of three turkey wraps and a box of green beans for my $10 purchase last time.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

18.5 miles Christmas hike


I hiked in the Prince William National Forest with a group along North Valley and South Valley Trails for 18.5 miles with about 1700 feet of elevation (in light rain and 30sf). There were some interesting views but my hands were too cold to take photos. More importantly, the group moved fast so there wasn’t time to take photos anyway : (
Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Compton Peak hike


I felt like my fingers were falling off when hiking this Saturday in 30 f with wind @ Front Royal to Compton Peak with a meetup group for 14 miles and 3000 feet elevation gain. I was eating lunch while the group going down to the rock formation. While I was waiting, I had to walk back and forth to keep my fingers and toes warm. It was so cold that not many photos were taken. Since it was so cold, we hiked fast and finished up early.
I will take a long hike next Tuesday to make up my weekend mikes, since I had to go to a party Saturday night and Sunday is freezing cold in 20s f.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

1st Stage @ Tysons holiday party


I attended 1st Stage @ Tysons holiday party to enjoy the food and conversations with theater sponsors, staff, and other volunteers (after my 14-mile hike in the cold).
Then I ushered for the 90-min comedy LAUGHS IN SPANISH.

Friday, December 20, 2024

K-Pot Fairfax

 I met a friend @ K-Pot Fairfax to have hot pot lunch as my Christmas feast, since I haven’t found a host family for this Christmas. I chose healthy herb soup base, and ate a lot fish, beef, and mushrooms. Thermoelectric serves free drinks of taro milk tea, green milk tea, and passion fruit juice.