Sunday, April 13, 2014

One-person play

Thanks to a lady in my theater group who give two tickets 4 pm Sunday afternoon, just 3 hours before the play. I sent out emails and recruited one friend to go with me. I have seen some one-person play which can get quite boring since there was only one person with stage sets/design. This one was actually funny yet sad.

Loveland Starring Ann Randolp. What’s so funny about death? In her original play Loveland, Ann Randolph takes the audience on a remarkable cross-country flight that is as funny as it is deeply human. Portraying multiple characters, including heroine, Frannie Potts, an out of control, sexually charged misfit facing the loss of the greatest love of her life, Randolph travels from outrageous confrontation and awkward confusion to a glimpse of the mystery, tragedy and beauty that unites us all.

review washington post

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