Tuesday, May 03, 2016

US Capital Hill tour

Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
After living in DC for 16 years, I finally took the US Capital Hill tour and visited the rotunda. I just booked the tour online the day before without any congressmen letter. The prize for its design competition was only $500, and the statue on top of the dome is the "Statue of Freedom." The Capitol houses the National Statuary Hall Collection, comprising two statues donated by each of the fifty states to honor persons notable in their histories. The Capitol dome is still under restoration. After the tour, I walked via the tunnel to the Library of Congress, and watched a film about the wealthy and rare collection in the library which are not exhibited. The Library of Congress has 23.8 millions books (fills about 838 miles/1,349 km of bookshelves), 14 millions monographs and serials, music, bound newspapers, pamphlets, technical reports, and other printed material; and 122 millions non-classified (special) collections. — checked in to Capital Hill Washington.

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