Wednesday, March 01, 2017

two congressional receptions

I went in DC for two congressional receptions: CSO & ASBPA - A Coastal Celebration on Capitol Hill and Distributed Wind 2017 Capitol Hill Reception. Special interests always try to influence the congress, but not much they can do to influence the administration which is unpredictable and has no fixed positions. The 1st reception offered ceviche on spoons and crab soup in shoot glasses, and the 2nd reception offered the empty Capitol visitor center which reminded me the movie "Night at the Museum." BTW, I asked the 4th person with a cross on the forehead I saw today what that was about, he answered that the cross of ashes were on a worshipper's forehead on Ash Wednesday today. Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent, and Easter Sunday marks the end of Lent. — at Hart Senate Office Building.

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