Friday, May 31, 2019

grand open of an assisted living facility in Reston

I was in the grand open of an assisted living facility in Reston which was right across street from the Reston community center. I had been wondering for a long time what this development was for and got the answer today. Everyone gets old and ends up at such facility if doesn’t die earlier for accrue diseases. COO told me that this is their 13th facility, a fall church one just got permitted, and their funding was from a private company in Boston.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

medical Robot cocktail party in Reston

I attended a medical Robot cocktail party at the Reston Hospital Center tonight. There were two sets of robots just introduced this year. I ran into an older couple just moved in a million-dollar 2-bedroom condominium apartment nearby so they can walk to the Reston town center and the medical center.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

biked 32.5 miles with 2 friends then going to Crab & BBQ Memorial Day picnic

I biked 32.5 miles west from Reston on W&OD trail with two friends/neighbors this morning since 6:45 am, and then we had drinks at Peet’s coffee at Reston Town Center. I tried Indian Chai Latte this time which reminded me to drink Sri Lanka tea/powder bought during my last trip in spring 2019. There was a big Indian wedding going on.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

15-m tri-state hike

I hiked with a few friends near Harpers Ferry WV for 15 miles with 3600 feet elevation gain via tri-state. The views from the Maryland Height and Loudon Height were gorgeous. We started 6 am to accommodate one hiker who is fasting for Ramadan. He did not eat or drink water during the whole hike.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

a realtor Ramadan dinner/Iftar

I visited McLean for a business meeting and a realtor Ramadan dinner/Iftar. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim year, during which strict fasting is observed from 5/7 sunrise 6:20 am to 6/5 sunset 8:20 pm, 2019 (DC time). I always avoid visiting Islamic countries during Ramadan since many places are close.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

two congregational receptions and met up with a friend

I went in DC for two congregational receptions and finally managed to meet up with Darrell Rico Doss. The organic cheese did taste better. He bought to my attention the dragon boat festival in May which I totally forgot about this year. I need to follow up next year.