Sunday, June 30, 2019

staged reading: Him

My first visit to the Nextstop theater in Herndon for a staged reading: Him. Five contestants in a reality TV dating show were confused and humiliated after discovering manipulative bachelor and TV producer, and asserted their self-worth and integrity.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

hot hike: Pass Mountain - Buck Ridge

I hiked with a meetup group on a 90f forecast hot day on Pass Mountain - Buck Ridge (VIA Marys Rock) for 11.6 miles with 2800 feet elevation gain. The trails were nicely shaded so only 80-85f, but I drank a lot of water. Thanks to hike leaders organizing a short shuttle and offering cold drinks at the end of hike.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Great North Mountain + Trout Pond

I was pleasantly surprised by such a cool summer hiking day in the George Washington National Forest. I enjoyed every section of the hike in Great North Mountain and dipped my feet into the lake in the Trout Pond recreational area after sharing the birthday rum cakes for two hikers. We had a coffee stop on the way out of the mountain in the lovely Lost River Trading Post.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Taste of Reston

I went in Reston Town Center to get a cup of coffee and ran into Taste of Reston: Showcase restaurants and community vendors, live entertainment on three stages, and our Wine ‘n Dine area. I tried but failed to open the PNC Bank safe, but it was fun.

hiked Little Devil's Stairs-Hogback-Piney Branch

A group of us hiked 14 miles with 3000 feet elevation gain today in the Shenandoah National Park along Little Devil's Stairs-Hogback-Piney Branch in an amazing weather for June. We kind of tramped over a slower Korean group on the way up. Thanks for one hiker brought her puppy to meet with the group and shared pancakes and corn cakes on the Skyline Drive. At the end of the hike, the kind hike leader and another hiker treated us blueberry muffins and banana bread. We were so spoiled today.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Innovation in Women's Health Care Showcase & Internet Association

I went in DC to attend two events, and ran into one friend’s son who interns at the Capital Hill when walking toward the first event: Innovation in Women's Health Care Showcase which was very informative regarding the recent medical device advancement for women’s health. Then I caught up with Darrell Rico Doss working in the same building, who kindly gave me a ride to the second event: an happy hour hosted by the Internet Association which actual address is blocked from web search so you can only see as Washington DC.

Monday, June 10, 2019

play: Byhalia, Mississippi in Kennedy Center

I invited three friends to see a play: Byhalia, Mississippi in Kennedy Center tonight. It was a comedy about family and love which won Chicago’s Joseph Jefferson Award in 2016 for Best New Work.