Monday, November 11, 2019

Appendix removal

I had stomach cramps, fever, whole body shivering, and mild diarrhea since Friday night. After all home medications for food poison and the 4th episode of uncontrollable shivering and pain, I checked in urgent care and the cat-scan showed it was Appendix infection 盲腸炎. After 6 bags of IVs and two servings of antibiotic, the doctor performed the non-invasive Laparoscopic Appendectomy 阑尾切除术, then released me home. I felt fine worked a little, walked in the sun for two miles, and ate simple foods after feasting since Friday night. It was the first time I had IVs, cat-scan, and hospital overnight stay. We even had a false fire alarm in the hospital, and everyone put on blankets to go outside. Lesson 1: always prepare to stay overnight in hospital (so you have phone charger etc.) Lesson 2: bring your health directive 醫療照護事前指示 so they can make decisions for you if necessary). What's an experience! I am grateful it happened here, not during travel.

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