Saturday, April 25, 2020

10 m run with knee brace

I seized the sun window and ran/fast walked 10.4 miles with knee braces. Also captured some colorful flowers in the neighborhood. X-ray showed both knee caps tilt outwards, and the right side is worse. I am trying all sorts of exercises to correct the issues.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

17 m hike on AT

Four of us hiked along Appalachian Trail from route 55 (near Manassas Gap) south toward route 522 (near Chester Gap) out and back for 17 miles with 3300 feet elevation gain. The first half was in drizzle then it dried out and sunny. Nice to be out in the woods after trapping during weekdays. We could still chat with social distance.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Run/waled 16 m on W&OD

I ran 8 miles on W&OD trail from Reston to Whole Foods in downtown Vienna, met a friend to chat and fast walk 8 miles back to Reston. I enjoyed the sun and colors on the trail, as well as the noodle soup for dinner I cook after the exercise. BTW, there were a new outdoor installation of LOVE and a free bicycle support station.

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

20.5-mile hike in WV

So happy to hike in the George Washington National Forest from Bucktail trail parking counterclockwise via Long Mt. Trail, Devil's Hole, Tibbet Knob, for 13 miles with 3600 feet elevation gain in 4.5 hours. But I took the Trout Pond Road bailout 7.5 miles walk after lunch break at Wolf Gap Recreational Area, to avoid thunderstorms and wet rocks the group took. I was soaked by the 1st thunderstorm even using an umbrella, but timely rushed back in a car to change to dry clothes while the 2nd thunderstorm hit. Really enjoyed the dry sunny hike during 7:30 am to 1 pm, after trapped in my house for two weeks since last hike.