Saturday, December 12, 2020

50f sunny winder hike Panorama-Marys Rock-Buck Hollow/Ridge

Hiked 13 miles with 3750 feet elevation gain Panorama-Marys Rock-Buck Hollow/Ridge in the Shenandoah National Park on 50f sunny winder Saturday, then stopped by a winery after the hike. I saw a hiking couple taking wedding photos on Mary’s Rock, and a cool antique car on the way back. 

I forced myself to run 7 miles on Sunday to meet my 20 hike/run miles weekend goal, but my app only recorded 5 miles because I was busy setting up a personal safety alarm. I bought the alarm in 2019 for my trip to south India but did not use it. I took it out today due to three recent assault cases in nearby town. Safety 1st.

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