Friday, March 26, 2021

Hazel Mountain hike

 I did 13.5 mile 3600 feet elevation gain hike in the Shenandoah National Park near Hazel Mountain this Saturday with a group of friends (duplicated 1/3 of last Saturday route, yet better weather 70f and fewer stream crossings). I brought mini blueberry muffins and peanut butter cookies to share with my friends, including some I haven’t seen since Covid. We shared Cave Fall as a lunch spot with a Korean hiking group. They cooked Korean lunch on site that smelled so good and motivated me to eat Korean instant noodles for dinner Saturday night. Everything was wonderful except I fell on a rock which cut and bruise my leg. Nevertheless, I tough it out and continued hiking, even ran 6.5 miles after the hike to complete my 20 hike/run mile weekend goal. “What does not kill you makes you stronger.” BTW, cherry trees are blossoming now.

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