Saturday, January 29, 2022

Farewell hike for leader Pietro


We grouped together for the last hike in the area led by one beloved hike leader Pietro before he moved south. The 12-miles 2150 feet elevation gain hike was on the Appalachian Trail to summit High Knob and came back to the Jim & Molly Denton Shelter for lunch.
After the hike, we rejoined at the Barrel Oaks Winery for Pietro’s farewell party. I cannot count how many time I hiked with him during the past few years, but I am sure he will enjoy his retirement in the warmer south with his lovely wife Denise, and we will visit them to hike in the area.
I ran 8 miles on Sunday to complete my 20 hike/run miles weekend goal, since it was too dark to see black ice on the road Saturday late afternoon.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Old family photo

 My uncle in Vancouver (my mom's brother) sent me this airport photo, and told me the death of my aunt (my mom's sister) last weekend. This aunt married an American soldier (in the photo) in Taiwan then moved to USA, and I saw the photo for the first time. Among people in the photo, only me and my elderly brother are still alive.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Below freezing hike

I and 19 other hikers started the 13 mile 2700 feet elevation gain hike at below 0 f (-18c) and finished around 20f (-7c) mostly over icy snow surfaces (so tiring) in the George Washington & Jefferson National Forests. We celebrated three hikers’ birthdays at the end of the hike with drinks, cakes, cookies, and laughters. I shared tea eggs (θŒΆθ‘‰θ›‹). My new insulated pants kept me warm but a little too warm for uphill. 

I went grocery shopping after hike, and only ran 3 miles afterwards as my phone went out of battery. I ran 7 miles on Monday to complete my 20 hike/run miles weekend goal.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

hiked 14.5 miles in 20f

I hiked 14.5 miles with 2600 feet elevation gain in 20f yet dry weather with a meetup group today from Sky Meadows State Park to Lost Mountain and back. My iPhone 6s simply shot down in such low temperature, and it was too cold to take off my gloves to take photos anyway. Fortunately, we had a group photo and one fellow hiker kindly took photos for me. Very happy to get out and hike.
To keep warm yet easily delayer, I wore Gortex pants over leggings. I also wore 3M insulation ski gloves. Glad that I had micro spikes to walk on ice for the 1st and last one mile of the hike. There are icy sections on the shady side of the mountain.
Due to the forecast snow, I went grocery shopping and gas after the hike, and ran 5.5 miles to meet my weekend 20 hike/run miles goal.

Saturday, January 08, 2022

Bat Mitzvah reception


I drove three teens to my friend’s daughter‘s Bat Mitzvah reception, and enjoyed the people, food and wine @ the Winery of Bull Run, where I passed numerous times on my way back from hikes and finally checked it out. When a Jewish girl turns 13, she becomes a Jewish adult. This milestone—called a bat mitzvah. BTW, I photoed with another friend’s son who looks like a Korean idol, and took home the beautiful flower arrangement to enjoy a few more days.
I ran 10 miles in 20f (so cold and my ears almost frozen Saturday morning too late thus missed the Bat Mitzvah ceremony, and I ran another 10 miles in 30f on Sunday.

Saturday, January 01, 2022

2022 New Year day hike


I and two other hikers were determined to carry out the new year hike tradition, and hiked on the Appalachian Trail between Manassas Gap and Whiskey hollow shelter in rain (yet almost 60f) for 15 miles with 3000 feet elevation gain. My puncho and knee-high gaiters did kept me try except my hair (since my hat was not waterproof). I am very happy to kick start 2022 with a long hike.
I ran 5 miles after the hike to finish my weekend 20 hike/run miles goal.