Saturday, April 16, 2022

Triple Robertson hike 17.2 miles 6010 feet elevation


I organized this strenuous triple Robertson hike with 6 friends. One had car issue on the way to the trail head, and the other had heat exhaustion issue to bail out at the 2nd loop. Finally, four of us finished 17.2 miles 6010 feet elevation gain hike in 7.5 hours. Super hikers Hunt, Brian O and Hiromi could have finished in 6.5 hours but for waiting on slow me.
I did 1st loop with good time, 2nd loop got hot and slower, yet the 3rd loop was in pain from leg, toes, and even arm cramps. I tried everything I had like energy blocks, fig newtons, electrolyte drink, pain killers, water, protein bars, but cramps came back every 200 feet so I was very slow at the 3rd loop. But I toughed it out, and even ran downhills with cramps to catch up with the super hikers.
Anyway, l felt better after 1.5 hr carpool ride back in town, went grocery shopping, and magically ran 3.25 miles in Reston without cramps (so I still finished my 20 ran/hike weekend miles goal). I will rest well at home on Sunday, while the three super hikers taking a 20-mile hike. They are hiking machines!

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