Saturday, January 21, 2023

Lunar new year party with hikers


I joined hiking friends for a welcome Rabbit Year party with handmade dumplings 饺子,great food, traditional dresses 旗袍,and red envelopes 紅包。Each red envelope was inserted with one dollar for the good luck of 一元复始,萬象更新.
AI translates "一元复始" into "beginning anew from unity" or "a return to unity", and "萬象更新" into "renewal of all things" or "everything is renewed." While Google translates the 2nd part pretty off as "Vientiane (a city in Laos) Renews." I am replacing Google with AI search from now on.
I ran 6 miles on Friday and 6 miles on Sunday plus Monday hike 8 miles surplus to meet my 20 hike/run weekend miles goal.

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