Saturday, April 15, 2023

Reston Founder’s day


I skipped a friend’s hike for the rain forecast, yet the rain came in the afternoon in the middle of my run. I ran 4 miles on Friday, 8.5 miles on Saturday, and finished the rest of the 20 miles weekend goal on Sunday.
Then I met up with my college classmate at IAD Marriott for breakfast, showed her around Reston, had Japanese lunch, and then dropped her back to IAD on Sunday, during her transfer via IAD.
I specifically ran to northern Reston for Reston Founder’s day celebration. Reston was founded in 1964 by Robert E. Simon Jr. (whose statute I photoed with), to be a kind of urban utopia—a place with swimming pools, community centers, and tennis courts in every neighborhood and no restrictions based on race. Now Reston enjoys a strong economy based on high technology and information.

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