Saturday, August 26, 2023

16-mile hilke Snickers Gap - Blackburn Trail on AT


I took a meetup hike on Saturday on the Appalachian Trail between Snickers Gap to Blackburn Trail Center for ~ 16 miles and 3600 ft elevation gain in high 80f. It was hard after no long hikes in 2.5 months and I sweated a lot. I and my carpool turned back a little early because she got two bee bites.
It was too hot to run after the hike, so I ran 4 miles Sunday morning to complete my 20 hike/run miles weekend goal. I still have a long way to go to get back to my pre-trip fitness level.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Dinner party at a friend’s house


I attended a dinner party at a friend’s house and ate too much (after almost no Chinese food for 2.5 months during my recent trip). The temperature dropped to 60f in the evening, so we turned on outdoor stove.
Anyway, I got back on my 20 hike/run weekend goal by running in three days this weekend. I tried to run 13 miles on Saturday but I got a cramp so stopped at 7 miles. I ran another 6 miles on Sunday, and I saw the 40th Reston Century bike race starting from Reston Town Center this morning. I did mine back in 2018. I don’t bike as often now.

Arlington County Fair

 I went to Arlington County Fair for the foam party, and watched “The Miraculous Magical Balloon” by Synetic Theater and Arlington Philharmonic. The Miraculous Magical Balloon told the story about a traveling actor and a puppet doll turned alive. The one and only professional symphony orchestra in Arlington, VA had several kids direct the performance for fun!

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

play “Cyrano de Bergerac” at Synetic Theater

 I ushered for the play “Cyrano de Bergerac” at Synetic Theater this afternoon. A good way to avoid the scorching heat.

“Famed swordsman and poet Cyrano de Bergerac is in love with his cousin Roxane. He has never expressed his love for her as he his large nose undermines his self-confidence. “ This play tells the story of a clowning ‘Cyrano’ without words.

14-m friends hike on AT

 I took a friend’s hike for 14 miles with 2900 feet elevation gain in 80s f sunny day skins the Appalachian Trail between Elk Wallow and Pass Mountain. I tasted some wild berries and picked some eatable wild chanterelle mushrooms. We had a winery stop after the hike. 

It was 90f hot back in town, so I skipped running. I enjoyed chanterelle mushrooms with scrambled egg.