Saturday, November 01, 2014

All Souls' Day celerbration in Mexican style

Enjoyed Mexican dance, live mariachi band, hot chocolate, and bread of death. The holiday for the death is a catholic holiday on 11/2 which has nothing to do with Halloween, according to a lady from Spain. After the dance performance, people danced and sang Mexican song for over half an hour with the mariachi band
— at Arlington Arts Center.

"All Souls' Day is a day of prayer for the dead, particularly but not exclusively one's relatives. In Western Christianity the annual celebration is now held on 2 November and is associated with All Saints' Day (1 November) and its vigil, Halloween (31 October). In the liturgical books of the western Catholic Church (the Latin Church) it is called The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, and is celebrated annually on 2 November, even if this date falls on a Sunday." 

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