Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Movie: The Martian

Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Since $2 movie nights get popular, I bought my ticket online this time. The movie was about how a left behind astronaut concentrated on staying alive, upbeat, and humorous, instead of self pity or loneliness. It was freezingly cold outside tonight like Mars, yet the movie worths it. NASA clearly contributed the know how and Mars images to make the scenes look realistic. I later found out online that the background was taken at Wadi Rum in Jordan, a UNESCO world heritage site on my list to visit. — watching The Martian at Arlington Cinema & Drafthouse.

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