Sunday, May 13, 2018

15-m hike of Pocosin Hollow and Bear Fence Mountain

 I took the 15 mile (24 km) 3000 feet (900 meter) elevation gain hike in the southern Shenandoah National Park via Pocosin Hollow and Bear Fence Mountain near Wolftown, Virginia. Wolftown is a tiny community located in Madison County, Virginia, with Graves Mill and the Hoffman Round Barn listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and a Wolftown general store/gas station which, according to our hike leader, hasn't changed a bit since he first visited there over 20 years ago.

There were many wild flowers blooming under the spring trees. We were worry about the rain but it turned out to be sunny, cool (70 F; 21 C), and dry there. I changed to sport sandals for five stream crossings, and took home and cooked at least 2 lb of Laetiporus edible mushrooms “Chicken of the Woods”. What a wonderful hike right after coming back from my long trip to NZ/AU/TW!

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