Saturday, November 21, 2020

Application Trail Trumbo Hollow section passing by Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

 Four friends (including a new yet speedy hiker) hiked on Application Trail Trumbo Hollow section for 16.7 miles with 3100 feet elevation gain in 6 hrs. We stopped by the Jim and Molly Denton Shelter that has porch, privy, spring, shower, covered picnic table, fireplace, etc., i.e., a Ritz-Carlton accommodation for AT hikers. Good workout and fair weather although not much sunshine. At the end of the hike, we passed by a barn, which turns out to be a part of Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute: global efforts to save wildlife species from extinction and train future generations of conservationists. The SCBI facility in Front Royal, Virginia, is open to the public once a year for the annual Conservation Discovery Day (formerly known as the Autumn Conservation Festival). Have to visit it next fall!!!

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