Saturday, May 21, 2022

2022 DC Dragon Boat Festival


On Saturday, I went in DC to race for the Taiwanese Embassy in the DC Dragon Boat Festival in 90f (32c) hot day. I raced 200 meters twice and 500 meters three times on top of 3 miles round trip walks between Rosslyn Metro station and Thompson Boat Center. I had a lot of exercise, fun, and food (a lunch box, two bobble teas, a special soup 仙草芋圆冰,a lot of icy cold water). I brought some leftover home. I came home before the awards ceremony (at least two medals) to run, but only ran 5 miles in 87f (30.5c).
I started 6:20 am to run 12 miles on Sunday in 70f (21c), yet still cut grass in the yard under hot sun for 20 minutes. I thereby completed my weekend 20 hike/run miles goal. After the shower, I enjoyed a giant dumpling (粽子)I save from yesterday festival (to heavy as lunch for afternoon boat race) for brunch today which had two pieces of meats and mushrooms.

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