Tuesday, March 22, 2016

REI lecture on Preparing for the Unexpected - Outdoor Emergency Basics

Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Attended a lecture on Preparing for the Unexpected - Outdoor Emergency Basics, which was pretty timely after Hua's accident. In addition to the ten essentials, the speaker shared a lot of personal experience, practical tips, and trendy gears, including Liner plus three season bag, Hand crank radio, Campass adjustment for magnetic north and true north, Spare shoe laces, Spare belt buckle, Emergency candle, Choral clothes, Strip of skin to get dry wood, Mark your camp site, Prince William orientation class, GPS not working in Dismal swamp, etc. I ran into hiker Luke in the class. — checked in to REI.

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