Monday, February 19, 2018

A play: The Farnsworth Invention

I ushered a play at 1st stage theater at Tysons corner: The Farnsworth Invention, about Philo Farnsworth's invention of television signal transmission and David Sarn RCA president who allegedly stole his invention. It was hard to determined in the play who actually unlock the key to the greatest innovation of the 20th century: the ruthless media mogul, or the self-taught Idaho farm boy. owever, according to wikipedia, this play is an intentional alteration of the story. It shows Farnsworth as being defeated legally by Sarnoff, and then spending his life in obscurity. In reality, Farnsworth won the lawsuit, later received a $1 million payment from RCA for the purchase of his TV patents, and went on to have an illustrious career in technological research.

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