Saturday, June 30, 2018

15 m Buzzard Rock - Meneka Peak hike in 90F

I am happy yet exhausted after this 12.25 miles (20 km) 3225 feet (980 meters) elevation gain Buzzard Rock - Meneka Peak hike in George Washington National Forest. It was so hot that more than some hikers jumped into the stream next to Elizabeth Furnace campground at lunch time. It was fun to walk around the valley and saw where we were from the other side near the end of the hike (see map). Thanks for the encouragement from the hike leader and blessings from a pharmacist friend that I did this hike regardless taking a photosensitive medication for my 2nd Lyme disease (yes, you can get it more than once).
I struggled badly when hiking with my long sleeve hiking shirt on (to block sun) and long hiking pants in 90f (32c) heat, but got back to my old self after taking that shirt off (at least 10f cooler). Big thanks to kind Anne's cold watermelon and Denise's cool drinks at the end of hike. I sweated so much that I had two bottles of drinks and several slices of watermelon.

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