Saturday, October 21, 2023

Buck Ridge, Hazel River, Marys Rock 16-miile hike


I took a tough meetup hike today in the colorful Shenandoah National park full of foliage traffic! I hiked Buck Ridge, Hazel River, Marys Rock for 16 miles with 4300 feet elevation gain. I skipped Cave Falls as usual to conserve energy, so I missed the group photo opportunity. But we saw some tents right next to the trail.
I hiked half way up to Mary’s Rock (0.3 mile short) as I was too tired to finish the last uphill. The other hikers told me it was jam packed on Mary’s Rock to find a spot for photos or even stand there!
I got home almost 5 pm, yet decided to run 4 miles to complete my 20 hike/run miles weekend goal.

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