Saturday, May 18, 2024

2024 Dragon Boat Festival in rain


I took Metro into DC to compete for Taiwanese Embassy 2024 Dragon Boat Festival in rain. Fortunately, it was not cold. I raced for both Flagship team and News Breakers team, so I raced 200 meters 4 times and 500 meters twice.
Although not as many bystanders showed up due to the rain, Taiwan got more friends and supporters for the event this year. I met the new ambassador for the first time, but just photos with him as a group.
The lunch boxes and bobbles tea arrived after 1 pm, and I couldn’t eat sticky rice dumplings 粽子before race, so I took food home. They also gave me extra for dinner. We had pork ribs 排骨and spicy chicken 塩酥雞lunch boxes this year.
I took home a paper dragon head then realized it has an electric light, so it is a dragon lamp 燈籠.

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