Saturday, May 25, 2024

Overall Run Long Version hike


I had my 1st hot and humid hike this summer, and I expect the weather will get hotter and more humid. This Overall Run Long Version (13.5 miles, 3100 feet elevation gain) ended near a famous water hole. Since it was a hot day, we saw many people to and from the water hole. I was very hot and sweaty so I skipped the waterhole and went back to car for cold drinks.
Water crossings were easy, but I got several poison ivy bites on an overgrown section. It was very hot so I simply cannot wear long pants to cover my legs. We walked via a section full of blooming mountain laurel. I still think the peak is yet to come. Some analysts f us also saw a big rattlesnake.
I went grocery shopping then ran 6 miles to finish my 20 hike/run miles weekend goal (short of 0.5 mile due to hunger, to make up later).

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