Saturday, September 17, 2022

air show in Andrew Air Force Base

 I tagged along a family friend to see the air show in Andrew Air Force Base. Highlights included six USAF Thunderbirds (classic red white and blue single-engine F-16 Fighting Falcons), Ken Pietsch Cadet Comedy Routine, Patty Wagstaff Extra 330 Aerobatic Demonstration, jet firetruck, etc.

Kent Pietsch executed storied acts including a dead-stick (turning the engine off) routine from 6,000 feet and a comedy act that features a detached aileron (wing flap) and a mesmerizing wingtip-scraping pass down the runway.  Patty Wagstaff is 3-Time US National Aerobatic Champion and 6-Time Member US Aerobatic Team. Watching her Aerobatic Demonstration made my head dizzy and neck hurt. I bet she didn't eat breakfast before the performance.

I was lucky to join my friend who was F-15 fighter pilot to get into the base with his veteran ID; otherwise, I would have to take shuttle buses from FedEx field to see the show.

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