Friday, February 05, 2016

International Cinema Series

Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Watched two Spanish artsy movies of the International Cinema Series: The Dream and The Dream of Luis Moya.

El somni (the dream) is a remarkable film directed by Franc Aleu, which shows the creative process of over 40 international artists who participated in a dinner put together as an opera in twelve dishes, with gastronomic creations by the Roca brothers, from the restaurant El Celler de Can Roca.

Basically, each dish was a master piece featured with custom-made multimedia projected to the dinning table and surroundings. Only in Barcelona! It was a culturally rich city that I missed much. — checked in to American University School of Communication.

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