Saturday, September 17, 2016

Booz Allen Hamilton virtual reality workshop

Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.

Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
Jennifer Teng 鄧之欣's photo.
After 10 mile run, I went in DC for Booz Allen Hamilton virtual reality workshop, and I tried demos of Microsoft Hololens, HTC Vive, Google Cardboard, and Oculus Rift. Ocean Len gave pretty realistic fast flying over ocean bed experience without dizziness, but I like Vive best which has best interactive features (I did Starwars this time). Hololens weights 1.5 lb cost $3000, yet has built in computer thus do not requires a smartphone to pair with like Google glass. — checked in to Booz Allen Hamilton.

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